Benchmark Super Fibre Mash®
Super fibres, natural antioxidants and probiotics.
A nourishing fibre addition to any equine feed.
Benchmark Superfibre Mash® is a tasty fibre source that has much to offer for all horses and ponies. The benefits of superfibres in soy hulls has been harnessed and digestive support improved with the addition of pre and pro-biotics and Melofeed™, a natural source of antioxidant. Importantly, a special mineral premix has been included to balance iron, copper & zinc ratios to ensure Benchmark Super Fibre Mash® is a safe and balanced addition to any equine diet. Being low in sugars and starch, Benchmark Super Fibre Mash® is safe for the laminitic and EMS horse and pony.
- Adds conditioning power to the ration without adding starch or sugar.
- Reduces the starch level in the total ration when grain-based feeds are fed.
- Provides valuable pre and probiotics to the ration.
- Safe to feed to horses and ponies suffering from or prone to laminitis or EMS.
Please note that Benchmark Super Fibre Mash® is not a complete feed and requires the addition of a balanced ration for best results. While we add a simple mineral premix to balance the raw materials, the vitamins in the product’s nutrient analysis are naturally occurring. Please refer to our Meal Plans for suitable feed partners.
What’s so great about Super fibres?
Apart from water, fibre is the most important component of a horse’s natural diet. Fibre is digested by fermentation in the horse’s hind gut or caecum, unlocking energy rich volatile fatty acids.
The digestion of fibre sources such as pasture, hay and chaff are about 40-60% efficient, meaning that about 40- 60% of all fibre is either not digested, or only partially digested and ultimately passes as waste in the horse’s manure.
By comparison, super fibres such as the soy hulls in Benchmark Super Fibre Mash® are about 75-80% digestible, meaning that much less is passed as waste and importantly more nutritional benefit is gained from each kg of super fibres fed. Super fibres also stimulate fermentation, helping to protect the delicate microbiota (micro flora) balance in the hind gut.
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Also available in 750Kg Bulka Bags